
Scientific References and Data
Various scientific references and data is available on the Glycar Pericardial Patch.
Please see the list for some of the more relevant URL’s, or contact Glycar S.A. for further information.
Fundamentals (endothelialisation, inflammatory immune reactions, fixation and calcification
Improved spontaneous endothelialization by postfixation treatment of bovine pericardium
Advances in Anticalcification and Antidegenerative Treatments of Biologocal Heart Valves and Coronary Conduits. 1997: 105 – 113. Edited by Gabbay S, Wheatley D.
Aldehyde tanning: the villain in bioprosthetic calcification
Eur. Jour. Cardiothorac. Surg. 1991; 5: 288 – 293
Spontaneous host endothelial growth on bioprostheses. Influence of fixation
Circulation. 1992 Nov;86(5 Suppl):II75-9.
Patch Clinical Studies
Edenfield J Vasc Surg 2020 (Edenfield et al.,2020)
Ho J Vasc Surg 2012 (Ho et al., 2012)
Marien, Brian J., Joseph D. Raffetto, Craig S. Seidman, Wayne W. LaMorte, and James O. Menzoian. 2002. “Bovine Pericardium vs Dacron for Patch Angioplasty after Carotid Endarterectomy: A Prospective Randomized Study.” Archives of Surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 137 (7): 785–88.
Functional Performance Testing (as per EN ISO 7198)
– Breaking/Ultimate Tensile Strength
– Burst Strength
– Suture Retention Strength
VVR0002 Glycar Pericardial Patch Strength Verification, Rev0
– Calcification
VVR0004 Evaluation of the Glycar Pericardial Patch in the Rat Subdermal Model, Rev0